I’m Looking Forward to… (January)

We’re almost through the first week of January, so I’m sure your social media feeds are rife with organization tips, resolutions, Words of the Year, and planning ideas. While all those things are valuable and useful, I don’t want to add to the noise and cause overwhelm. Instead, I thought I’d share what I’m looking forward to for this first month of the year! Perhaps you’ll even find some inspiration in the mix.

New Glasses!

Pregnancy has done a number on my vision. I noticed a couple months ago that when I drove in the evenings, I had a hard time reading road signs. Of course, that’s no bueno. I booked an eye appointment (if you’re in Austin, I highly recommend Austin Eye Studio), where I discovered my vision has deteriorated three quarters of a point. Yikes. I promptly ordered two pairs of glasses – one with blue light filter and one without – and I expect to receive them next week. Yay!

A Shiny Fresh Planner

Yesterday, I enjoyed a satisfying spine crack as I laid open my new Christian planner (the planner – my own spine is fine). A friend gifted me the 2020 version, and the layout suits me well. At the outset, there’s a vision board, bucket list, habit tracking, and important celebrations/seasons of the Christian year (including descriptions). There’s also a weekly section for Bible study and sermon notes, as well as monthly and daily planning space. You can choose from spiral-bound, hardcover, or leather, and right now they’re on sale!

Camping With Family

Last June, Mike and I decided to snag a Texas State Parks pass. My sister-in-law grabbed one for her family, too, and we make a point to go camping on the regular. In Texas, fall and winter boasts perfect camping weather – (mostly) dry, with balmy days and cool nights. As a bonus, our routine escapes into nature provide a respite from COVID craziness. In a couple weeks, we’re heading to Lake Mineral Wells for a weekend of hiking (before I can’t anymore), laughing around the campfire, and licking sticky s’mores off our fingers.

Open Window Weather

January in Texas is so CRISP. The first few days of the year have been sunny, bright, and cheerful. We turned off our heater and threw open all our windows to let the clean air blow through and freshen up our house. Fresh air makes a big difference to our environment and mood. The big downside: Mike has a brutal allergy to cedar, which can make him miserable. We won’t open up on a rough pollen day.

A Completed DIY Project

Our guest bedroom feels a little under-furnished, so I asked Mike to get creative and build a custom night stand. He decided to practice a new technique: he’s building this piece with no hardware, instead using only wooden joinery and glue. So far, he’s built, sanded, and planed the table. He only has the finish left to… finish. No spoilers, but it looks beautiful! I’m looking forward to sharing the completed piece with you.

Rest, Reflection, and Dreams

I’m in the last weeks of my pregnancy, and my energy levels are dropping fast. Instead of being productive, I find myself wanting to slow down and breathe deeply. Even though I’m excited to meet my baby, I want to savor these last days of quiet, solitude, and freedom to fill my time with whatever I please. So, while I’m planning out the weeks and months to come, setting up the nursery, and imagining life with our newborn son, I’m also cherishing rest.

What are you looking forward to this January? Let me know in the comments!

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1 thought on “I’m Looking Forward to… (January)”

    Your article was a breath of fresh air in the second half of this pandemic. I appreciate less resolution and goal oriented tips and more simple pleasures and insights into your life.

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